Saturday, August 21, 2010


We took our last trip in July because our doctor told us not to do it in August. Which was kind of unfortunate because it was almost unbearably hot sitting in the theatre of rocks. I took off layer after layer and could not cool down. And all they had was horrible sugary drinks to cool off with and of course I had got my diabetes testing kit the day before. Quite joyous.
This is Felix at his second play (he went to his first in Vegas).
I'm not sure why these pictures were taken, but I love them.
And here are some random pictures that hadn't gotten blogged. Such as more grumpy ones of Story.
And our cat at her favorite pasttime: bringing snakes into our house and helping them slowly die.
Apparentally drum sticks are the way to get snakes out of your house....?


Kendra said...

So many comments to that you spelled tuacahn wrong. But that's my only complaint. Um, I love that you took a picture of Felix at the play. And I love those pictures of you and Kyle...especially the one of you. And I love Rosie. Although, I don't know that I would love snakes in my home. And how many do you have in your yard for that matter?! Yuck. Oh, and how was the play? (besides hot) I went last year and I was only 3 weeks pregnant and dying. I can't imagine going at 7 or 8 months pregnant and in July!!!

Sarah said...

I'm glad you guys could get away for a summer break - I love the photo of felix at the play! Our cat did the same thing one summer - it freaked us out because he just left it there and we found it on it's own - maybe it just came through the cat door :)

rain said...

How can you handle the whole snake thing while pregnant? G-ross. And I think you look really cute in that picture under Kyle's. I was sweating for you at Amy's party...I have to say, having a baby in the middle of winter is my favorite. Maybe next time. ;)