Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fire Fire Fire!

This was my morning at work today. I was with a client when the alarm went off and I reassured her that it was just a drill. I sent her home. Then my boss told me there was smoke upstairs and the ac was smoking, which was bad since the ac started a fire in that same place a few years ago. So three fire trucks, two ambulances, and an hour later we got to return to work. It was fantastic.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Once Again

Yep, I did it again. I'm becoming fond of hiking. Especially this hike. It was amazing.

We got there and there was a moose on the hill, which was so cool. But eventually it got kind of lost in the bushes so we went on our way to find the trail to Bridalveil...something we never succeeded at...so on our way back to the car we discovered that the moose had come all the way down and was on the bike trail. Taryn and Erik bolted after it and so I bolted after them (which I was glad of so I could run after it and not look dumb because I was "chasing the kids"). We got this close to it:
It was amazing. Eventually we lost it though and went home to swim. Where I discovered this: (sorry I know no one wants to look at my thighs but check out that bruise)
And that is from a mosquito bite. Apparantly I scratched the heck out of it and created this on the back of my leg...whoops!
Kyle however was responsible for this:
So that was our Saturday.
Sunday we decided to paint the kitchen and Jerome who said "I'll go to Kelli's, but I'm not painting" sure did a lot of work...sorry Jerome, but we really appreciated it! First Jerome got roped into vaccuuming our ledge thing which was sick nasty. We put the vaccuum on the fridge and he started but it quickly wheeled off and so I ran to catch it and got my finger stuck in it. Keri swooped in at the same time (I thought to help me) to save her camera. The finished product pictures are coming soon!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

I did what and when?

This may come as a shock to anyone who knows me, but I did in fact go hiking today at 6:30 in the morning. I'm not sure who was possessing my body when I agreed to go, and not just agreed, but enthusiastically agreed to go. It was Vic's last day and I had to work so we had to go really early. And believe it or not I loved it. I can only remember one other hike in my entire life that I enjoyed. I'm proud to say the tally has now come to two. I didn't feel tired, I didn't feel sick, I didn't puke at the top, and I loved it!
I thought we were there at this point, but Keri insisted we weren't. Luckily it was only like a hop and a skip away. And yes, that's the really cute tank top Rainey got me. And I wore another to bed last night and have the third one on right now, but unfortunately it had to be covered with a sweater since I'm at work.
This is when we got to the bottom. We enjoyed the view, had some snacks and then I insisted we get going because I still had to start my 10 hour work day, which didn't feel as long as I expected. I'm sure the nap in the middle helped out with that...