Thursday, August 26, 2010

Baby Showers Galore

Last Thursday my friend Kendra, who used to work with me, threw me a great shower. And then Wednesday at work I got another great shower. I can't believe how generous people are! It's like they're excited we're having a baby or something...I don't have any pictures from my work shower, but here are pictures from my friend shower. Thanks again Kendra!
Here's my friends from all ages. In the front (left to right) is Rissa from work, Erinn my sister-in-law, me, and Alana from high school. In the back (left to right) is Jen who interned at work last year, Stacey the greatest neighbor ever, Kendra who worked with me until she birthed her baby, Christy and Lucy who I've been friends with since 4th grade, and Shelley who I met at the flagpole in 7th grade.
Kendra gave me a remarkable amount of diapers.
And you can't see but she decorated with M&Ms and ate all of the other ones so that just brown, blue and green were left. And that cake you see there was divine!
Lucy's baby demonstrated the gifts.
And some people got close up shots. Including me, but I'm not including any of those. Here's Stacey, my very favorite neighbor that makes me want to stay at home with Felix so we can hang out all day.
Here's Lucy:
And Rissa and Jen from work. They also were modeling the horrible pads that Kendra gave me (her leftovers from the hospital) but I'm pretending like they don't exist--then I'll never need them, right?

1 comment:

Kory said...

I kinda wish I was invited. I haven't seen most of those people in a very long time. Lucy has a baby?! How many showers are you having?