Thursday, November 27, 2008

Could I be anymore awkward?

Here's my great Thanksgiving story...

Kyle and I slept at his parents house the night before thanksgiving. Since Keven had claimed the only bed in the basement we opted for the main floor couches. We had gotten to bed around 3:30 thanks to a game that lasted around 5 hours. I decided that too sleep with my bra on since I thought it would be awkward to wake up around Kyle's family and not have a bra on...

Kyle's mom came down to cook around 7 or 8am we were not done sleeping so we decided to head down stairs to finish. On my way to the basement in my groggy sleeping state I passed Kyle's mom and stepdad. Somewhere between the couch and passing Kyle's parents I realized that my bra had become all askew while I had been sleeping. And I guess because I was so tired--because I really have no other idea why I would do this--I started a tugging on my bra to get it to sit right. When Kyle's dad laughed I suddenly realized what I was doing and Kyle looked at me with such disgust. I mumbled that I must be asleep and tried to forget it. But of course I couldn't. I have thought about it nonstop almost all day and I trade off between laughing hysterically about it and stopping my tears.

Anyway, thought I'd share!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tag I'm It

Shauna Thanksgiving tagged me. So here's what I'm thankful for...
K: Kyle. He totally said he would but Kelli for his K, so I'm totally ripping off his idea, but I'm really thankful for him. He's perfect for me.

E: End of semesters. I feel all guilt for reading fiction and knitting melt away and watch all the tv I want once school is finished. And I get excited looking at the textbooks for next semester that I'll probably never read.

L: Long hair. I love high ponytails and I'm so much closer to having a legitimate one!

L: Light. I don't realize how much it makes me happy until winter comes and the clouds block it all from me and make me depressed. Or until a light bulb goes out and I have a few dim days until I overcome laziness to fix it.

I: In-laws. I have the best. I love my mother and sister and brother and father and grandmother in law. And you saw my adorable neice and nephew in my last blog...All of them are so fun and easy to talk to and great to be around. We just got back from a great dinner with them. My mother in law goes all out to cook and make sure that everyone likes it and her mom brings the most delicious desserts. And I could talk to Erinn all day. And she totally blog stalks my family so I can dish all the gossip to her quite willing ear, so it makes me happy. They're great. I got really lucky.

So now I tag one for each letter in my name, right? Erinn, Keri, Kass, Kory, and Sarah.

Thanksgiving Visitors

I'm excited for Thanksgiving because Erinn is here with her kids and her husband is soon to follow. Her kids are adorable and hilarious and Erinn is great to talk to. I think she may have been the one to enjoy Twilight the most. This may have been because she was the only one who hadn't read it... But anyway. I love hanging out with family so I'm excited she's here!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sunday night with Colby

Colby, Amy, and Steven (not pictured) had a show last Sunday at Connie's house. It was in her front room so we all sat really close, it was really nice. It was great to hear his music that I love with people that I love. Kim, Wendy and their kids were there along with a lot of Colby's friends.
I hesitated to put this unflattering picture of me in the blog, but I need to represent those who came! I'm sure Kim and Wendy wouldn't have minded if I passed on it too...but oh well.
There was some down time before the music started and so Jess started practicing her Jenny's hair. She did a great job. I was impressed!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Handy Man Roberto

So, I've been calling our landlord every other day this week to get this weird smell from our washing machine taken care of. He likes to put things off until I give up trying to get them fixed, but this smell was so embarrassing I pushed and pushed and pushed. I even had a reminder in my phone every other day to call him. So, this morning our handy man shows up. Luckily I slept in so late that I hadn't gone out to do anything productive, so I was home. Completely braless and in pajamas, but home. So I let him in and he explained his plan to me to pour draino down the tube and pour half a bottle of bleach in my washing machine to clean the smell. Well, if any of you were there when we set up our washing machine and dryer you know how precariously it was set up, so when Roberto touched the washing machine tube to pull it out of the wall it came out of the washer too, but he didn't know that. So he proceeds to pour the bleach in while I wait doing homework in our front room, and I hear him make a noise that let me know something was wrong. But of course, me being awkward, I ignore it and continue with my homework. A few minutes later he pops his head out and says there is a problem. I come in and there is bleach covering the entire bathroom floor. I give him white towels to mop it up with (hoping they shred so I have an excuse to buy new and cuter towels--I think white towels are disgusting.) So he tries to mop it up and he is coughing a ton and opening the window. It was so sad and I felt so awkward. And it is now two hours later and I have a head ache from the smell and am trying to avoid the bathroom because it is so strong. But I couldn't avoid it all together because in spite of the fact that it was 3pm, I still hadn't showered and I have students coming. So I went in to shower and sadly had to close the window because it's just too perfect of a view being on the side that our shower head is on and waist was a quick shower I'll tell you. Now I'm avoiding doing my hair and brushing my teeth for the same reason. I was thinking it's a good thing I'm not one of the million pregnant ladies in our family because for sure this would have killed it!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Quilting with Grammy Cloe

So the other day, actually on our way to our annual hike we saw Kyle's Grandma outside in front of her house. We stopped by to say hi and she told us that she was going to pester the ladies in her ward the next day to take some quilts home to tie. We offered to tie one for her and she offered to set it up at her house for us to do. So a couple weeks later there we were at her house tying a quilt. I don't remember who the quilts were for, but I'm sure it was a good cause. Kyle was quite the good quilter. I believe this is only his second, his first being the one I made him for his mission. So it as fun. His grandma had treats set out for us when we got there. And it didn't take long at all. And his grandma read us the latest gossip from the letter she had just received. So that was our quilting outting.
Kyle's sister and kids are in town now. Her oldest was a guest speaker for my presentation today and he was so cute and ate up the attention. Having 30+ people staring at him and laughing generously at everything he said totally egged him on. It was great. As soon as Connor was done my teacher said, 100%! You can sit down now--even though we hadn't presented anything but Connor yet. So, Rain, I hope this helped ease some of your boredom!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Viva Las Vegas

For this hot babe's 16th birthday we went to Las Vegas!! By we I mean me, Kyle, Wendy and her kids (minus Jer), my mom and dad, and Britney and Leisha. We stayed overnight in Mesquite and then went to the Luxor in the morning to see a Body Worlds exhibit. We actually found out about it when we were cutting up newspapers for an assignment for Jess's driver's ed class.
Before we headed out Kyle showed his new gun to my dad. He got it from his grandma. It was the gun he and his grandpa used to go out and shoot. Ask him what it is--I have no idea. The morning after we slept in Mesquite we had breakfast at McDonalds. I think this is Kyle after riding with my insane father. My mom told my dad he'd never get across the street and he took it as a challenge and nearly killed us on the way to McDonalds.Kyle, Jess, Jen, Kelli, Brit
We got to wait in front of the Luxor becuase Dad dropped us off. Wendy made her kids walk with her from the parking lot.
Kyle totally won big. That's a $.25 gain he's holding there!
After Vegas we went to Shauna's to teach her how to make Care Bears. While we were there Andy made Star Wars characters, including Darth Mall pictured below.
And Linus absolutely loves Kyle. He'll ignore me to the end, but will run up and play with Kyle the second he walks in the room. He loves to rub Kyle's beard and say, "Wash your hair, wash your hair."
And that was our weekend.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Self Tagged

I liked Kat's tag so I tagged myself because my blog has been so boring. So I hope this satisfies my loads of readers until I can get another post going. I had no idea it was this picture. How sick ugly. I should probably learn to delete things. It's from the dinner we had when John was in town. Cole took over my camera.

The tag is you post the 6th picture from your 6th folder and tag 6 people. So I tag Rain, Kass, Keri, Shauna, Erinn, and Sarah.