Thursday, August 21, 2008

Erinn's Quarterly Visit

Erinn came. And I know she comes a lot, she has actually decided that she does quarterly visits, but I still get so excited. She's my favorite sister-in-law on Kyle's side. And her kids are so freaking adorable. Elise didn't cry the entire time so that was great! And because of the visit, I haven't blogged in a long while. So get ready! Here's my life while Erinn was in town.
I had my last week with the kids, which I've already posted about...So I won't say it all again, but I will really miss seeing them every day.

We visited Grammy Cloe. Above is Elise and Erinn (well Erinn's body). And below is Grammy Cloe playing a frog jumping game with Elise and Connor. Her shocked look is because she actually made one into the bucket!
I bought a new comforter!!! It's so cute and it was cheap! And Kyle is just glad it isn't purple like the only other comforter I owned. I found this one in the Target ad and got the comforter and the last two pillow shams.
Wednesday we went swimming. I took the kids as kind of the last summer activity. We took Matthew and Andy because they loved it last time. And then I asked Erinn and Rainey because they both had kids that were little enough to think it was really fun and Jess only wanted to go to play with was fun but overwhelming. I felt responsible for all of them even though I knew I wasn't. Here's some pics of some kids who came...
Jess, Jen, Maggie, Elise, Erinn, and Connor
Jeremy, Cole, and Riley
Erinn and Elise...Jess is in the background
After swimming we bought a new remote...and have not lost it once since we got it! Kyle is programming it here. And Saturday we went out to Kyle's parents' property to ride the Rhino! We picnicked very near this cliff that Ryan is making sure Connor doesn't fall off of.
Kyle's parents' friend had taken the Rhino so Kyle's dad took us for a ride while we sat in the back of the truck. It was actually quite fun.
Here's Erinn, her husband Ryan, and Connor in the truck with us. Not pictured: Chuck and Grammy Cloe who sat in the front of the truck.
Connor didn't find my incessant picture taking amusing...
Here's Grammy Cloe in her sweet cowboy hat getting ready to ride the Rhino. Their friend brought it back just as we had given up and were heading home. But we turned around so we could all ride it. Btw- I only call her Grammy Cloe because that's what Connor calls her and I think it's funny.
Sunday Kevin came down and we played Wii fit. I think they are trying to jog here, but I don't think Kevin is doing a good job.
It was fantastic, but I'm sad they're gone. We also went to Wall-E Wednesday and we all liked it. I started counting how many times Connor asked why to his mom during the movie, but after only ten minutes he was up to 8 so I gave up. So there's my update. I left my knitting updates to the receivers of the gifts. But I'm about half way done with bi-polar bear so get excited!!!


Keri said...

That looks like a lot of fun times. Is that seriously your remote? That's hilarious! I wish I had some sister in laws on Vic's side, that's so nice.

rain said...

I saw the update on Bi-polar bear personally, so I'm pretty stoked about it. I think I've told just about everyone that I know that soon I will be getting my own no pressure, or anything. Also, I LOVE having cool sisters-in-law. It seriously makes being me so much better. Out of all my biological sisters, I totally came out on top in that situation.

Kory said...

The picture of Cole looks like they're underwater. Especially if you look at it up close.

KaSs MiLeS said...


Sarah said...

That is a great week - I laughed my A** off at the remote so I think people at my work are getting worried about my sanity!! See you tonight