Friday, October 7, 2011

Disney Show

Jessica's school had a Disney show. They each had to pick a disney character and do the hair and make-up of someone to make them that character.
This was the MC. She is IN LOVE with Felix. She thanked Kyle for being the father of this child and for giving birth to him, and told us to get conceiving.

Felix was IN LOVE with King Triton (King Trident according to the program). He just stared and stared at him. He also won (King Triton).
Jamie looked freaking gorgeous. I guess it took her hours to brush her hair out though.
Finding Nemo

This was the actually walk around. Felix walked about half of it, then made his legs go limp so he didn't have to walk anymore. What a true lazy Murray.
Notice Jessica is carrying him.
And I thought I'd include our Halloween costume pictures, cause I'm SOOO excited!


Sarah said...

I love the costumes and who doesn't love Felix - he's too adorable, esp. as a bear!

KaSs MiLeS said...

jamie looks so radical!! super cute girl!
felix looks pretty cute in his costumes. i still have to make story's and mine. ugh.

Amy said...

ah so adorable! I love it! Axel learned what candy was at his first halloween, he has been candy crazy since! I love has ewok!

Kendra said...

Super super cute. Love the ewok costume! You are so talented. :) And isn't the King Tritan a little scandalous for a high school?

Ashley said...

Love both the costumes! The ewok is awesome!
Felix is a stud in anything you put on him!

rain said...

Oh my goodness. I always wanted a baby Ewok. Also, I LOVED those Incredibles costumes. They were mucho fantastico.

Christy Smith said...

You're so freakin' awesome. He looks so adorable in the ewok costume and as JackJack. I bet he had a blast and got lots of attention from the ladies. :) Can't wait to see the real Halloween pics.