Sunday, July 10, 2011


Here I am, finally catching up! And I'm not even using the laptop I insisted I needed to get my pictures with. Oh well, at least I'm blogging. At the end of April and beginning of May Kyle and I flew to Washington with Felix. We spent the weekend with Kyle's dad and then we flew to Seattle where I stayed with Keri and Kyle flew home.  So this first post is about Spokane and the next will be about Seattle.
Felix was a champion flyer. He was so good. He sat and played with the windows, napped, ate, didn't cry. Even with the ear popping stuff he was totally good through.

Our flight first landed in Seattle where we stayed on the plane then continued on to Spokane. However, some idiot deemed Spokane unsuitable for landing and made us continue on to Portland. There was drops of snow when we were supposed to land and we were the only flight that was rerouted. Some of our fellow passengers immediately boarded a flight and were on their flight for over 4 hours as the plane stopped in various cities before returning to Spokane. Luckily, we were put on a direct flight with a four hour layover in Portland.
This was super fortunate so that Felix could play, and nap, and have a ginormous blowout that was horrendous. It was seriously everywhere. I think Kyle is still mad that I didn't just let him throwout Felix's outfit (it was my very favorite and still is). I don't know how we would have been able to take care of it on an airplane. I had to change him during the stop in Seattle and that airplane bathroom is just not big enough for the job, especially when Felix decides that when the diaper comes off he should pee some more. It was everywhere in the bathroom, including on me.  When we weren't cleaning Felix up we were able to play the board game we had in our carry on.  The place we set up camp was totally vacant so we could spread out and play our game while Felix played with his toys.

Felix's favorite part of the plane rides were playing with the windows. He was fascinated with them. He stared out them for long stretches and banged on them and yelled at them for other long stretches (until Kyle stopped him because he worried about him bugging other passengers).
Our first day there was pretty much blown on all the detours in our traveling. So instead of a whole Friday in Spokane (which we got up at 4am so we could have) we had an evening. And Felix was a complete zombie. He did a lot of staring off into space. It really weirded me out. He is always so happy and energetic and noisy that I thought something was seriously wrong with him. But he was back to normal after sleeping that night. He did great on a blanket set up in the hotel.
Kyle's dad got out this electric ball thing for him to play with and it kept him entertained for awhile.
He wasn't as impressed with Mrs. Pickle, Kyle's dad's bird. But I was. I am so in love with that bird and am insisting on dibs on it over Elise. She's too young to deserve such dibs. She can have Mrs. Pickle once I die.
She seriously was so great. She would just hang out and nibble on stuff or fly around to show off. I love her.

This is Quinn's mom who came over just to meet Felix (Quinn is Kyle's half brother--there are pictures of him further down).  Felix and Quinn were so in love. Felix could not keep his eyes off Quinn. He thought he was just the coolest and Quinn seemed to really like Felix, which surprised me. I thought Quinn would just think, eh, babies, yuck. But he hung out with Felix a ton! We haven't seen Quinn for around 7 years. It was so great to hang out with him. He came up to stay with his dad while we were in town and we had so much fun with them both.

This is just fyi for all us in Utah. (It says "Eyes like diamonds Everyone dies in Utah This day will tell).  This was just hanging up at a mall in Spokane...
So, I looked up stuff to do in Spokane and this Riverfront Park looked way cool. I mean, they had a garbage goat that really ate your trash! But apparently not everyone was as fascinated with it. There was a lot of mocking (but mind you no one else looked up anything else to do).
This slide and the merry-go-round below were both at the park too. I thought the slide was super cool, Felix did not care about it at all. His face was just neutral through the whole thing as if nothing at all was happening.

This is Kyle's dad trying to convince Quinn to sit on a clown's lap for $5. He wouldn't do it even when I threw in another 5.
I stayed in the car while Kyle got a picture of John Stockton's Grill in the pouring rain. Pretty cool, eh? John Stockton should've been there. Then maybe the rain would've been worth it.
Here's one of our many games we played up there.
Brian (Kyle's dad) showered me with presents while we were up there, which of course I love!

The last day we were there we went to the park and took lots of pictures. I think we took every combination of people possible. But here are some of the best ones we got.            


rain said...

I really love all the pictures. And Felix was like, the happiest baby I've ever seen on an airplane. I wouldn't have minded having him with me while flying. Mostly I am against kids in planes all together. And that includes my own. It looked like fun in Washington, and I totally would have enjoyed the park with the big wagon. And block. But you know what my family thinks of doing anything fun, so I felt your pain.

Kendra said...

Wow! I'm totally impressed with Felix's flying abilities. What a happy little guy. Owen is pretty good, but he won't sleep on the plane anymore. :( And it's a totally good thing you had that layover with his blow out. Those plane bathrooms are far too small for something of that magnitude. Looks like you had fun. That slide is super cool. What the heck is up with that "all people in Utah will die" thing. Weird. And I love the last picture of Felix with his grandpa. Priceless. :)

maida said...

Looks like you had fun in Spokane, you got some great pictures, I was glad to see what Kyle's Dad looks like.

Kory said...

Glad you're back to blogging. I can see a lot of Kyle's dad in Kyle. That park looks rad. Even the dogs were oversized there! Everyone dies in Utah is band.

Amy said...

What a great post! keep it up! Sorry I would comment more but I am overwhelmed with what to comment on first and I have only a small amount of time.

Felix is already so much older!

Erinn and Ryan said...

That post surprised me, although I can't explain why.

Felix is just yummy. I love that baby!

Sarah said...

This was a great post - I think Felix is the cutest baby ever and it's amazing that he was so good on the plane. I think he might need to be a bit older to realize how cool that slide was :) I love the end photo!