Monday, July 25, 2011


We babysat Story one day, sometime between Kyle's birthday and now (oh, yeah. It was after Amy had her baby and I was filling in)... And we was Jessica and I, not Kyle :) Jess decided to make cookies with Story.
Which she did a great job helping until her hunger overtook her, and she proceeded to take a bite from each cookie.
We let Felix play in a car like this at Kory and Amy's and he had such a blast we went out and bought one. But don't let that smile deceive you. He only has fun in it for like five minutes at a time.
Felix's cousin Leisha gave him this nasty tattoo at the pride festival when I wasn't looking.
This is Felix at the Festival:

While I was babysitting the cat caught this mouse. I put it in a little tupperware bed with grass and let it die in peace on top of the fridge where no child or cat could get it.
But unless mice vanish when they die I think it was really just fine and ran away inside my house...cause this is what I found on top of the fridge...
Story insisted on lunch out under the slide, which is fine by me since she thinks my bar stool cushions are napkins.
I don't know why, but Story puts these gloves on every time she's over here.

Around this same time all of Wendy's kids came over and we played the original Mario. We passed the remote in a circle and each took a turn. We passed it to Felix who mostly just chewed on it while the time slowly ran out on his turn and Mario just stood there. But then a turtle started come and we all yelled "jump" and HE DID IT! Honest, no one else was any where near the remote and at EXACTLY the right time Felix made Mario jumped and avoided a fatal collision with the turtle.
I don't know if it was the same night, but most likely it was probably a different night, Justin came over to play Dungeons and Dragons with us, which is the best game of all time, just so you know.


Kyle said...

Just to clarify a bit.

Felix didn't just jump OVER the turtle....


It was amazing.

KaSs MiLeS said...

Is that not how you make cookies? Cause that's how I taught her. :)
That tattoo is nasty! Gross leisha!!!

Kendra said...

Um, that was the most random post ever. And I can't believe you put the mouse in a Tupperware to starve to death. I'm glad it escaped. And that is a seriously dirty tattoo.

bearclaw said...

Im concerned about your D&D problem

Kory said...

Who's 3 fingered hand is that holding the mouse?

rain said...

Leisha is banned from watching any of my children. Even if I'm in the same room.;)
And that's how I make sure the cookies my kiddos make are safe...a bite out of each one.
You're totally lying about Felix killing the turtle. I know it.

Amy said...

I love the picture of felix in his car! so cute...and the tat?....well lets just say I am SO glad it wasn't permanent. yikes

Sarah said...

Reading all the comments - I've never eating homemade cookies again! I love that felix had an awesome tattoo and a flag to show off! I'm pretty sure that mice vanish when dead - the other option is just too freaky ;)