Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas to us!

Pretty good picture, eh? You probably think we had someone here to take it. But no, I totally got a flexible tripod from Kyle's sister! But okay, today wasn't our real start to Christmas. It started about 8 days ago, with this amazing present. I couldn't wait, so last Friday we had our first Christmas eve. I made this sweater for Kyle:
He told me I was really weird. But he loves it. Even if it weighs like 17 pounds.
Kyle got me a book and all the Narnia books on CDs.
And he got Felix this head boppy to help him fix his flat head. That's a gift that keeps on giving...I don't remember who said that to us about the present. But it's very true.
On "Christmas Morning" we got Felix all these presents. He was very appreciative and interested. I promise. That turtle is a night light that lights constelations on the ceiling.
Kyle loved the medicine cabinet I got him, he doesn't have to go off to his mom's empty house up the hill to cut his hair anymore. Everyone is glad about that. Especially his parents (who bought him a hair cut set for a past Christmas in hopes of getting rid of him).
Kitty immediately set out to ruin our Christmas tree once and for all. I think she was mad about us not buying her any presents.
She almost knocked it over and managed to put out half the lights, so I set to take down the tree even though real Christmas wasn't here. I was sick of fighting with her.
So on real Christmas Eve we didn't have any plans because Kyle's mom thought it was worried about it being too foggy to drive down there. Then Wendy invited us over for dinner and we had a wonderful Christmas Eve night. It was really perfect.
Jer was busy building a foosball table.
While everyone else obsessed over the baby.
And the baby obsessed over Jamie. He really loves that girl.
Then as always, we had to leave because of Felix. But I guess it was more my fault, since I forgot to bring his food. We put him to bed and watched Despicable Me, which was very pleasantly surprisingly great. I think some of my Christmas money will be spent on the kitty book. If you haven't seen it, you gotta. In the morning we argued about when to get up (the person who had just got up with Felix wanted to get up). We had a couple more presents for each other because Kyle said he was going to be too disappointed and so we had to get something for our stockings. Kyle got wood carving equipment and I got cds and a new necklace!


Keri said...

That's a really pretty tree. Is it fake? That sweater looks even more interesting on him. I'm jealous you had christmas eve with wendy...looks like fun.

Amy said...

How fun, doesn't having a kid make each holiday like you are a kid again? I just love that part.

Your kitty is super naughty! I would be sooo ticked. I don't know how but my tree stayed pretty much in tack even with Axel and Story taking things off of it daily. It did drive me a little nuts. Why is it in your babies room just wondering?

We have a tripod as well and set it up and recorded all of christmas, I really doubt we will ever watch it but I like that I have that option. PS I am pretty sure you and I have the same robe, did you get it at target?

Kory said...

After all those pictures of Kyle's sweater, the next one it was on the couch like he melted. It looks funny.

Kelli said...

It is a fake tree. Jeff gave it to me. And the tree got moved to felix's room because I needed to be able to lock the kitty away from it so it wasn't a constant battle.

Amy said...

PS now that I know you MADE Kyle's sweater I am even more impressed with it. :)

rain said...

That sweater looks H-E-A-V-Y. Very interesting, but heavy. I kind of want one of those tripod thingies. However, I think I would STILL be really crappy at taking pictures. I didn't take any on Christmas morning. And it may or may not have been because my face looked like a thirteen year old boy's. Selfish, I know, but notice no one else was taking any. I love that Felix loves Jamie. She's a sweetie and I think babies pick up on that really quickly. I know she really helped me with Syd when she was sick...two years ago? Almost.