So, I was watching Narnia tonight with Shauna and when this scene with Lucy started where she does some incantation and magical snow appears and she thinks it's all wonderful.

As she stood in wondering awe, I thought, "Only a kid would think snow is magical". Because it isn't. It sucks. I hate it. And the last 24 hours reminded me why. First, yesterday I got stuck in the snow and took a half hour to get out. Then, on my way home from the movie with Felix in the back my car started skidding out of control when I tried to stop for a light. Instead of stopping, I slid straight through the intersection and did a 360. Luckily, there was no one on my side of the road or in the intersection and I slammed into the sidewalk and stopped. But while we skidded and spun around I found myself yelling, "HOLD ON FELIX!!!!" I don't know how much good that did, but it was all I could do. It was horrible. I teared up and drove straight home and resolved to not go anywhere until the weather clears.