Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas to the Cheaters

We had Christmas early. Six days early to be exact. Kyle knew he was getting a game and he wanted to play it before we went to Rome. And like I'm going to argue with opening presents early.
This is Kyle's reaction to his surprise gift--which was Lady Gaga, his love.
Here's me with a very tired looking face and lots of wonderful presents!
This was my big surprise for Kyle. I wasn't (and still am not) finished, but I laid out what I had for him. It's quite a big blanket/rug. It's 5-6 feet wide and tall. I just have about four rows left on the top of his head now.
This was the Christmas morning mess. We left it there for quite awhile, but we had to clean it up to make room for our new table to be delivered today. Pictures of that wonderful new item will be posted soon!


Cassie said...

Fun! When do you leave?

KaSs MiLeS said...

im glad you KNOW that you're cheaters. every night i ask jerome if he wants to open just one of his surprises, he always says no.

Kelli said...

Last year we opened one present every day of Christmas week.

Sarah said...

LAME - you guys ruined Christmas!!!

rain said...

Very cool about the Nativity...and, I'm glad you got your lines mostly right. ;)

Also, you guys ARE cheaters. My kids would be so against that. And they beg me everyday to open some sort of present. But then when I tell them they can, they both refuse. That's will power.

Have so much fun on your adventure!