US Weekly has a list every week with 25 facts about a celebrity. And I am so the celebrity of this blog's my 25!
1. I play Spider Solataire until I win even if my eyes are burning and I'm exhausted.
2. When I win Spider Solataire I feel disappointed because that round was obviously too easy.
3. Pasta is my favorite food, but I only like white sauce.
4. I have only one thing at each restaraunt that I order.
5. I love Soap Operas. More than anything else.
6. I unashamedly pass this passion on to my nieces in spite of their mother's disapproval.
7. I am bored with US weekly and am looking forward to my subscription expiring.
8. I have a favorite client.
9. Kyle tells me that's unprofessional.
10. I hate basketball season.
11. I look forward to the weekend all week long and then am so disappointed with how boring it was.
12. I can check my email ten times in under an hour with the same high expectations that someone may have emailed me (this is only at work when I have no clients).
13. I will knit or crochet obsessively even if my hands are killing me.
14. Kyle wrote a song called "Big Old Undies" about me.
15. Kyle tells fart jokes because he knows I'll laugh hysterically.
16. I am so excited when I come up with new ways to organize and strain my mind to find people to show that might share even a fraction of my interest. I even consider blogging about it.
17. I find the indents that long toe nails or finger nails leave after you cut them insanely interesting.
18. I think about what I'm going to wear the next day from about noon on.
19. I hate my teeth. With a passion.
20. When I'm sick I get fairly certain that it will never end.
21. I hate my nose. Not because it's ginormous, but because it is always bugging me.
22. I finish books mostly because I am so anxious to start the next one.
23. I play the piano for hours when I'm depressed.
24. If Kyle would, I would move to LA in a heartbeat.
25. I try to trick myself by setting my clocks ahead--and it works.
I like notes the most
4 days ago
Negative on the big nose. I will send you an email.
I love this list.
Also, I would move to LA in a heartbeat, too, if I'd let me.
You know my conditions.
Also, also, I LOVE basketball season. It's basically like a soap opera, but you get the added bonus of ridiculously large men performing feats of strength and agility. And you've been beyond understanding about my obsession with it.
i totally do number 11, 12, and 25. :)
and soap operas are lame.
I think Kyle should perform "Big Ol' Undies at the upcoming party. You know, it's two talents in one. Or possibly three...should he actually play it on an instrument.
Also, I very much adore the "Anderson nose". I like the size and such. And I think it's attractive, whereas you guys say "big". But, I'm sorry yours gives you problems. Mine is always itching...and that bugs the crap out of me, and everyone that watches me itch it, I'm sure. But it also means tons of people are talking/thinking about me. Ah...the price you pay for popularity, you know?
And I'm right there with you on the Solitaire.
Soap operas are way lame but basketball season is even worse. Also I would be interested in seeing your orginazational talents.
I'm convinced now that no one looks at my blog anymore because of how many commnets you have already.
I do that same thing, only with regular solitaire. I play it over and over and my eyes burn and when I win, I'm so dissapointed. That's why I love tetris, because you can never truly win.
And I can't believe you would even consider moving to LA. I'm divorcing you.
i too would love to see your organizing, it could inspire me with ideas.
And keri, i hear ya. i never get more than 4 comments, i think my blog is too boring.
Hi Kelli! I found you. I hope you found my blog with ease.
We share #3. I love pasta. I spend most of my time thinking about recipes- pasta recipes, and I like watching Rachel Ray coz she'll almost always make pasta :)
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