US Weekly has a list every week with 25 facts about a celebrity. And I am so the celebrity of this blog's my 25!
1. I play Spider Solataire until I win even if my eyes are burning and I'm exhausted.
2. When I win Spider Solataire I feel disappointed because that round was obviously too easy.
3. Pasta is my favorite food, but I only like white sauce.
4. I have only one thing at each restaraunt that I order.
5. I love Soap Operas. More than anything else.
6. I unashamedly pass this passion on to my nieces in spite of their mother's disapproval.
7. I am bored with US weekly and am looking forward to my subscription expiring.
8. I have a favorite client.
9. Kyle tells me that's unprofessional.
10. I hate basketball season.
11. I look forward to the weekend all week long and then am so disappointed with how boring it was.
12. I can check my email ten times in under an hour with the same high expectations that someone may have emailed me (this is only at work when I have no clients).
13. I will knit or crochet obsessively even if my hands are killing me.
14. Kyle wrote a song called "Big Old Undies" about me.
15. Kyle tells fart jokes because he knows I'll laugh hysterically.
16. I am so excited when I come up with new ways to organize and strain my mind to find people to show that might share even a fraction of my interest. I even consider blogging about it.
17. I find the indents that long toe nails or finger nails leave after you cut them insanely interesting.
18. I think about what I'm going to wear the next day from about noon on.
19. I hate my teeth. With a passion.
20. When I'm sick I get fairly certain that it will never end.
21. I hate my nose. Not because it's ginormous, but because it is always bugging me.
22. I finish books mostly because I am so anxious to start the next one.
23. I play the piano for hours when I'm depressed.
24. If Kyle would, I would move to LA in a heartbeat.
25. I try to trick myself by setting my clocks ahead--and it works.