Friday, November 14, 2008

Viva Las Vegas

For this hot babe's 16th birthday we went to Las Vegas!! By we I mean me, Kyle, Wendy and her kids (minus Jer), my mom and dad, and Britney and Leisha. We stayed overnight in Mesquite and then went to the Luxor in the morning to see a Body Worlds exhibit. We actually found out about it when we were cutting up newspapers for an assignment for Jess's driver's ed class.
Before we headed out Kyle showed his new gun to my dad. He got it from his grandma. It was the gun he and his grandpa used to go out and shoot. Ask him what it is--I have no idea. The morning after we slept in Mesquite we had breakfast at McDonalds. I think this is Kyle after riding with my insane father. My mom told my dad he'd never get across the street and he took it as a challenge and nearly killed us on the way to McDonalds.Kyle, Jess, Jen, Kelli, Brit
We got to wait in front of the Luxor becuase Dad dropped us off. Wendy made her kids walk with her from the parking lot.
Kyle totally won big. That's a $.25 gain he's holding there!
After Vegas we went to Shauna's to teach her how to make Care Bears. While we were there Andy made Star Wars characters, including Darth Mall pictured below.
And Linus absolutely loves Kyle. He'll ignore me to the end, but will run up and play with Kyle the second he walks in the room. He loves to rub Kyle's beard and say, "Wash your hair, wash your hair."
And that was our weekend.


rain said...

So, I'm not sure...but the guy holding his own skin...are those things his gonads in the groinal area? Cause if so, ew. Also, I like that picture of you and Kyle is a good 'un.

Kelli said...

Those are his gonads. And there were lots of gonads in the exhibit. Me and Leisha would whisper things about them in Britney's ear to make her uncomfortable.

rain said...

Oh dear. Poor Britney. This is why I call you a whore, sometimes. Just for funsies.

Amy said...

That looks like a lot of fun, Leisha told me all about it while I was getting my hair done, she didn't however tell me about any gonads...I am glad you guys all got to get away, and what a great gift to give Bob, we still haven't came up with anything yet, he is a hard one to shop for I tell you. You guys are always so good about getting your parents great sentimental gifts.

Kelli said...

Well, Amy, to make you feel better, this was actually for Jess's birthday, not Bob's. We just got him a card. He is too hard to shop for.

Amy said...

oh I thought you got him a gun?

Shauna said...

Nice gun Kyle!

KaSs MiLeS said...

That's fun! Lynus is funny. :0) Kyle does need to wash his hair.

Kyle said...


It's a winchester from the 40's.

I can't think about it without thinking about my grandpa. He haunts it I'm pretty sure.