Saturday, September 27, 2008

Last Swim of the Summer

This is my first go with a underwater disposable camera. It was way fun. Me, Kyle, Taryn, Erik and Jeremy are featured. Enoy! I did.
Taryn did some amazing back flips off the deck! And Kyle threw the kids up and amazingly never hit the power line.


Keri said...

those turned out pretty awsome!

Kelli said...

I know! I've made your cd. I'll send it as soon as I can...but I can't promise when that'll be.

DeSisto Digitals said...

Those are awesome!!! I really want an underwater camera... maybe someday. :)

Shauna said...

That looks so cool. I always wondered if those disposable cameras work. It looks so professional. That would be cool to have an entire family album under water.

rain said...

I'm pretty impressed with your disposable underwater camera as well. I was always unsure about selling them when I worked at Fred Meyer, because I pretty much thought they would be big pieces of plastic crap. However, that WAS about ten years ago...perhaps they were, then. And yes, Kelli, I'm happy now. Otherwise I would NOT have commented on your blog. Ever, EVER again. All is good in the world now. Also, are you not coming to DATS with Muff and me? That's lame, Kelli. LAME. What if I go into labor? I'm blaming you.

Kelli said...

I only said I wasn't decided about DATS. So keep your panties on.

Kat Clark said...

I like Kyle's continual thumbs up in all the photos. Very typical white male of him. ;) Aren't underwater cameras the best?!

Sarah said...

Those are great!!

Kyle said...

I'll make sure to flash you another digit next time, Kat.

Kory said...

You should see the pictures I have of Kyle underwater. VERY non-typical white male.

Erinn and Ryan said...

Oh, I miss you guys. Connor would have loved that. He needs someone as strong as Uncle Kyle to give him enough neck dislocation for proper little-boy pool enjoyment. Ryan's abuse just isn't cutting it.