Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Swore I Wouldn't

But here I am. Blogging about nothing but my baby since he was born. But I swear my next post is about something else. Here's what Felix looks like when he hangs out with Kyle.
We gave him his first real bath. And this picture basically sums it up...he hated it.
His feet are so ginormously long they are almost too big for the booties I made him.
And I think this picture looks the most like him, you know--super grumpy. He's really chill, but he always has a frown on his face.
And this is me blogging this post. Kyle decided it was a moment worth documenting...


Amy said...

How does it feel to eat your own words? haha just kidding, I think EVERYONE is that way until the go through it, and how can you not? I mean really you eat sleep and think baby 24 hours a day. Welcome to the club!

Cute pictures by the way, he looks different then I remember? Crazy how fast they grow and change every week.

KaSs MiLeS said...

i LOVE that picture of him out of the bath. Story was that way too, but last night she wouldn't stop crying and the bath was the only thing that got her happy. He'll like them eventually. I've actually been waiting for you to post more pictures of him, because i love seeing pictures of him. Can't wait to see him, i hope i see him tomorrow? after we get keri?

Erinn and Ryan said...

Yaaaaay! Felix pictures! I think the bath-hating phase lasted about a month with my kids. Something about newborns hating nakedness.

My favorite picture is the couch-potato baby. I love that kid's grumpy face. It's like he's already jaded to the world. So cute.

Kory said...

That top picture is most excellent! I wish it would let me click on it to make it bigger. Also, I love his towel!

rain said...

Yeah, it's something you learn after you have kids: You are a hypocrite, no matter what. Before you have your own, you promise yourself you won't turn into a giant cheeseball. And your kids will be well behaved, and not scream in the store. And you won't be those parents that abandon their children in front of the TV just to take a shower. And then you have kids. And you realize that despite all the books you read and stories you heard, you are still completely clueless.

Don't worry about blogging too much about Felix. If you don't blog enough about him, then people will think you don't love him enough. And worry that you're a rotten mom.
The good thing about kids is this: you're so busy worried about them, that it's hard to keep your thoughts all on yourself. And for me, that was a definite good thing.

I like that grouchy face. It means when does smile, you can totally tell you're being hilarious.

Diana and Jon said...

Hey Kelli. It was good to see you at Amy's thing for a bit. I was catching up on your blog and guess what....Stacey your neighbor was my roomate in college. She is amazing. You should say hi to her for me!

Unknown said...

Kelli I love how the coke can is bigger than he is hahaha he is so cute and I freakin love the name you choose very rad. He is so adorable!!

Shauna said...

So is Felix the ruler of the remote? We had to take a quiz in my family Soc. class. It was "Who has power over the remote?"

I know how it is wanting to capture every moment of your baby's life on camera. Every little face they make just makes you all gooey inside and you want everyone to feel that gooyness, because it's so amazing!

Sarah said...

I love all the photos - when they are first born you have to go blog crazy about them. His grumpy face is great and it's nice to see photos of you both as well!

Christy Smith said...

It's so fun to see how much he's changed in such a short time! He's such a cutie and feel free to talk about him AS MUCH as you want to. Hope you're loving this time with him!

Jill said...

I hadn't read your blog in a little while and then BAM you have a kid!

Congrats, he's a cutie and I love his name.