Saturday, September 11, 2010

Felix Ryan Murray

Our first family foto.
My water broke around 7am on Thursday and so after changing into more pajamas we headed off to the hospital. This is Kyle being casual for the last time, because now he is a very serious parent :)
So, just as I expected, labor was quite un-fun. I knew everyone who said it was great was a big liar! I'm sure my mind set had nothing to do with it...
Actually, at first I thought things were going to go swimmingly. The pain wasn't too bad, I didn't have to be induced, and then when the pain got bad and I got the epidural it wasn't that big of a deal. The IV was awful and hurt, but it didn't gross me out like I thought it would. And I loved the epidural. I got to sleep for a couple hours after getting it. And by 1pm I was fully dialated and effaced and ready to go!
But Felix's heart rate was dropping really low every time I pushed and the doctors didn't know what was going on. And I hadn't pushed him low enough that they could help out. So the doctor had me push for her after I hadn't been pushing for like an hour. And I could barely remember what I was doing so I did a pretty crappy job. So she decided I needed to be able to feel more to do a good job and had the epidural turned off. I was sobbing the second she said that. And then an hour later when it was worn off I was sobbing harder and louder. But apparentally I was pushing really good and got him down low enough that they could pull him out. So they turned the epidural back on and everyone suited up. Out came the forceps and about 7 pushes later, there he was.
8 lbs 1 oz and 19 inches long
It was so weird to see and feel him being pulled out of me and then just see this kid that used to be inside of me. The doctor wisely bossed Kyle around to start taking pictures instead of standing there giggling. Which was better than my laying there sobbing from the overwhelment.
I really couldn't and can't believe it's actually over.
He's been really great. He's pretty mellow and is doing a really good job trying to breast feed. We had to go buy lots more mitten shirts because he is scratching the heck out of himself.
Then we had lots of visitors. Thanks everyone who came to see us. It was really good to see everyone. We didn't get pictures of everyone who came, but here are some of them. Above is my mom and below is my dad.
Kass and Story (Jerome came too).
Kory, Amy and Axel.
You can see in the back of this one that we had a ton of people come Friday night. I think 15 people came to see us. This is Shelton and Legend and Kory, in the back is Amy, Jenny, and Wendy.
Jeff, Cole, and Riley. Rain came earlier alone because she thoughts kids couldn't come, but after she found out they could Jeff brought them that night.

After that we went to sleep and took the wise counsel to use the nursery and slept for around 7 hours. It was pretty fantastic. But apparently wasn't enough for me to be able to stay awake earlier to finish this blog. I fell asleep with my hands on the keyboard while waiting for the pictures to load. And now I'm ready for another nap! And for the record--Kyle sent out a mass picture text to announce when he was born, but it didn't send to more than half of the people and so we're really sorry and if you were delayed in us telling you it's just because we didn't know the text didn't work!!!


Cassie said...

He's so cute! Can't wait to talk in person. I'll call you in a few weeks!

Erinn and Ryan said...

I wanna SEEEEEE him! I'm so jealous of everybody who lives close. Just know that you're all in our thoughts and prayers, and that we love all three of you so much!

Oh, and Kyle is right, Felix is truthfully cute! (Some newborns have to grow into that. . )

rain said...

I love the "evil pirate eye" Felix is sporting while being weighed and measured. I'd probably give anyone who had the audacity to do that to me when I was naked and actually POST it...making sure the amount that I weighed was available for all see. Also, Jeff thought Felix was pretty much an excellent judge of character. He told me that Felix smiled the entire time he held him--however, he grimaced the entire time I held him. So I'm not sure I agree with that. But I will admit that he's pretty adorable.
But he is pretty sweet.

rain said...

That last sentence was supposed to be deleted. Because even though it's technically true, it made me sound like a moron. And we all know that's not true

KaSs MiLeS said...

You did great, glad that part is over for you. Now you can enjoy naps in the middle of the day and holding your new baby.

Karen said...

Congratulations. He is adorable. Can't wait to see him in person.

Sarah said...

Congrats!! He is so cute - you guys did a great job producing an adorable mini human!!

Christy Smith said...

CONGRATULATIONS cute Mommy!!! I'm sorry it was a crazy ordeal, but you have the cutest kid! Isn't that the weirdest thing in the world to hold them and think that they were just inside you? I can't wait to come meet him and finally see your house, too. I'll call you in a few days to figure out a day!

Kyle said...

I find it strange how he looks like a My Buddy doll in that picture with Kevin. Or some sort of cabbage patch kid. He really looks plastic.