Saturday, October 24, 2009

Anderson Halloween 2009

I must say, in spite of the rain, the Halloween party was super fun. Above is Kyle and I.
The Stevensons
Kurt and his Krew...get it? ha ha!
Shauna and her kids.
Align CenterThe Coplens and a picture of Jeremy that Kyle promised to haunt him with for the rest of his life.
Skanky and totally hot Rainey and Jeff.
And their kids.
And here come the people with few enough children that they can all be named. Kory, Amy, and Axel.
Ashley, Brandon, and Ashdon.
Jerome, Kass and Story. (And Jerome did dress up--that name tag says "Joelle").
Isn't my mom the coolest? She actually got dad to play the couples game!!

Here's our look-alikes. I seriously confused Leisha for Dusty several times.And these two....
And the thousands of babies....
And the main event--the shoe game. It was Keri's idea. I forgot to give her credit. It was really fun and you could really tell who thought a lot of themselves with their answers. Notice how pissed Jessica is that they got this question wrong:
This was the after party. It ended quite soon after this picture:
P.S. If you want an actual disc of these pictures leave a comment or I'll just assume you are good with stealing them from this post.


KaSs MiLeS said...

i'd love a disk. story's first halloween party was not her favorite thing. maybe next year.

Amy said...

I would love a disc please. We have lots of CDs or DVDs I believe if you want to come pick some up?

It was a fun party you did a good job. It seemed much shorter this year, but I am sure it is because we were well over an hour late. But I still had fun. Thanks again for all you did for it!

Erinn and Ryan said...

I love you guys' costumes! Ryan thought Kyle was "that squid guy from Star Trek" -- honestly, I don't know who he's talking about. But, luckily, you had just posted about "9", so all I had to do was scroll down and explain!

Happy Halloween! Be grateful for your fall weather. I'm dying of jealousy.

Sarah said...

Great post - I loved the party. I do want to point out that you have hard evidence that Karen and Kurt cheated - they have the wrong answer in the last photo and they were supposed to get them all right!!!!!

maida said...

Good job Kelli, we all had a great time, even party pooper Dad. I want a disc.

Keri said...

We can't figure out what Jeff or Kyle is. Also, I can't believe that picture of mom-crazy. Looks like fun.

Kelli said...

Jeff is Dexter from the show Dexter and Kyle was 5 from the movie 9 (look at my previous post for info on that one).

rain said...

Love it! I wished we wouldn't have been late. I missed out on taking pictures myself. But you took great ones, ones that I will be stealing from this blog, thank you very much. We had so much fun. I'm hoping that Jeff will eventually finish our Labrynth movie. Riley and Cole were so sad that we didn't showcase our acting chops.

rain said...

p.s. Jeff pointed out the hard evidence that Kurt and Karen got an answer wrong, as well. He was very upset that Sarah stole his thunder.

Sarah said...

Sorry Jeff but I had to get it out!

kim said...

you did a good job with the party. you always have great games. i would like a disc, please.

Christy Smith said...

I love your're so awesome! You'll have to teach me the shoe game. Your pumpkins rock, too. :) I love how much fun you and Kyle have together!

Kat Clark said...

What a party! Yeesh!