However, after all the kids were gone and my husband came home, my cheek really started to swell. It looked really bad and hurt, so I decided to call the dentist. It was around 8:00 but he told me to meet him in his office and to make sure I brought my husband. He said it didn't look too bad, but I didn't believe him. He said it needed a drain. So they gave me some gas and I started giggling a lot and Kyle decided it'd be funny to say (in front of the dentist) that gas always make me laugh at home. I was so embarrassed. But anyway, after some numbing and some procedures I tried to not listen to he was done. Kyle was the dental hygienist for the evening. He was in charge of suction, which may be the reason I puked in the parking lot in front of both Kyle and the dentist. I puked again at home and finally fell asleep. But this morning half of my face seriously looks like Louie Anderson, but I guess at least it doesn't hurt as much.
But I'm not allowing Kyle to tell my any of the details about what happened, so you'll have to hear all that later. The few details I did hear I can't think about or I get all queasy like.
no offense, but you looked pretty bad friday at 2. i am glad you got some relief. i hate dental pain. A few months ago i woke up and bawled because my front tooth hurt so bad. i got it taken care of that day.
It's been slowly building up. It started hurting Tuesday. Wednesday it hurt so much I called around to find out how much it'd be to fix it. When they told me the price I decided not to do anything. Thursday I had to take pain pills and Friday I had to take a lot more pain pills. I look so droopy today.
There is this great stuff my mom always had us take when we started to feel gum infections so she didn't have to take us to the dentist. It always worked. I will find out what it is called. It is a good thing you guys have dental. :)
you 3 make a great babysitting team, Story requires a lot of attention!
I still want to know what exactly Kyle did as he helped. I wish you guys would have recorded it. Also, I don't think there's any possible way for you to resemble Louie Anderson.
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