Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

Kyle had this great idea to go to Four Corners this weekend, but the snow on Saturday was kind of a bummer. We started driving but we ended up turning around. The highlight of trip was visiting Smokey the Bear.
Kyle decided to change the Fire Danger from Low to Extreme!

After he did that (and changed it back) our car got stuck and someone had to stop and help push us out. Kind of embarrassing...but it was actually really fun to drive with Kyle all day.


Sarah said...

I think you should have left it at extreme - way more funny for others to enjoy!

KaSs MiLeS said...

that's so funny, i can't believe he changed that sign! you told me that story in person, but to be honest, i had no idea what you were talking about. its a lot funnier now. :0)

Shauna said...

You crazy young folks!!

rain said...

I think you should have just started a fire right next to the sign. Roasted some marshmallows or something. That would have showed Smokey and his "All-Knowingness".

What's Four Corners?
It reminds me of the song: "My hat it has three corners/three corners has my hat/And had it not three corners, it would not be my hat!"
Ahhh. Good times.

Kelli said...

Four Corners is where four states meet in one corner (Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona).

Amy said...

How funny, boo on the snow to ruin your trip, but that sign is great. I remember when smokey the bear used to come to our school, I was scared of him for the first couple of years.

Erinn and Ryan said...

Hey, Smokey IS all-knowing! Any bear who knows how to wear pants (but not a shirt, for some reason), must be some kind of genius. Where did you find him, anyway? Up Spanish Fork Canyon?

Kyle said...

Yeah, he was near Scofield.

Waiting with a permanent surprised look on his face.

Kory said...

Smokey is also a sex symbol, thus having no need for a shirt. But the fire hazzard is alwasy extreme when Kyle's around. I had two jokes and no transition between the two, so there you go.