Wednesday, June 4, 2008


So I've done it. I listed my first creation on Etsy. Here's the link if you want to see it:
This is my etsy profile picture.
Kyle said it is a picture of him and me. I know all the horrors of my childhood nickname are rushing to all your heads, but I don't care. I think skunks are cute and I think I'm cute. Especially since Leisha cut my hair again today. Leisha is the best. I don't know what more I can say. She's always been a really good friend. She's honest. She's dependable. She's patient. And she's hella fun. I must say I'm glad she's not leaving. Not just for my hair's sake, but because she's a great girl. And not at all stinky.


Kat Clark said...

I was all excited to see your listing but I got an error instead?! Ruh Roh Raggy...

Keri said...

What's etsy? I like the picture.

Kory said...

You have to admit that it's a pretty cool error though. Go Zelda!

rain said...

Yay for Leisha. I'm glad she made you feel better about yourself. I'm going to hack my hair off one of these days, I just gotta wait until it's a bit longer, then I'll donate it. I want to do it NOW but then I'd feel bad about not sticking with my plan. Anyhoo, I think you should capitalize on your cuteness and take a picture and post it, so we can all comment.

KaSs MiLeS said...

Smelly was the first thing i thought of when i read that it was a picture of you and kyle. funny. i'll check out your etsy thing.

Amy said...

Hooorah! I am glad leisha isn't leaving either, but sad for her also, I know she was looking forward to going. But I was stressed about going to someone else for my hair....

Anyway pretty exciting about your etsy thing! I cant wait. I will tell my moms about it too if you want...