Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy November

Felix and I spent almost all of Thanksgiving week at Kyle's mom's house. We went on Wednesday and were going to come back Thursday, but ended up staying until Saturday. It was really wonderful. It was great to spend that much time with all of his family (Erinn's family was staying there as well as Kevin and Kyle's grandma). We got to play lots of zombies (our favorite board game) and Elise just fawned over Felix the whole time, as did Kyle's mom. Which meant I got to do a lot of knitting and reading. Thanksgiving night we stayed up past 2am playing zombies and Kyle's wonderful mother (who hadn't stayed up with us) got up with Felix and let me sleep in. Kyle had to get up at 630 to make it to work, which was an hour away, but I got a pretty chill day. And Felix was SOOO good. No purple crying to speak of. He cried when he was hungry and when he was tired, and that was it, and he would quickly go to sleep if I rocked him with a binki. As for Felix's accomplishments this month: He is smiling like crazy--when he sees Kyle, when you tickle his mouth, when he wakes up in the morning, I love it. He laughs a little bit, but his heartiest laughs are in his sleep. He is sleeping through the night--Erinn read that medically speaking sleeping through the night is sleeping for 5 hours straight, and he does that almost every night. We've only been doing two feedings every night instead of five. And he has grown so much! He is now wearing 6-12 month old socks! And if you haven't heard--I get to stay at home with him. I quit my job and I am so so happy to be with him!
I didn't take any pictures of our Thanksgiving adventures, so here are my favorite pics from November.


Kendra said...

Dude, you are spoiled! Good thing you have super nice family members to take care of Felix! Although...Miles did take Owen this morning so I could sleep in until 10:30. :) I'm super happy for you quitting your job. I really want to hear how thy reacted when they heard. I bet Ben flipped out.

Amy said...

You didn't mention that Ashley also makes him laugh uncontrollably. That outfit reminds me of Axel too, Kass let us borrow it as well for him. I am glad things are going so much better, and that you get to stay home.

Keri said...

I'm really happy things are going well with him. Sounds like a fun weekend, I'm jealous.

KaSs MiLeS said...

in that sleeping bear picture he looks like story i think. Glad you had a good weekend. Hope he is getting over the purple crying phase. can't imagine how hard that would be. hope i never truly find out.
congrats on quitting your job. you officially suck, although i'm glad you wont be working when i have the baby.

rain said...

He is getting so freaking big! And my babies always had that purple crying phase, too. Anyway, I think that's what it was...every night from about 6 to 8 they would cry for no real reason. I just assumed it was their "frustrated time". It sure as heck was mine. Glad you had a great holiday, and it was really nice seeing you and everyone else at the activity.

Ashley said...

I thought Ashdon had purple crying but i figured out later he was just hungry...poor guy. I will cross my fingers that phase of his ends soon. That's rough!
Kass i thought that same thing! I never thought they looked alike but in that pic they really do.

Sarah said...

What a nice way to spend Thanksgiving - I'm so glad you can stay home with him now. I also love the photo of your Mum - she looks so content!