Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Babysitter's Club

Felix's first babysitter was actually on the first day he was home by his Grandma Janet. She watched him while we went to Sonic to grab some food. But this was his first extended baby sitting experience. Wendy offered to watch him so we could go out. We went to see The Town (which is an AMAZING movie--I loved it so very much). I put our camera in his diaper bag with instructions to well document his experience. They did not disappoint.
Here are the four outfits he ended up wearing that night. Apparently, they think he is a doll for dressing up...
Actually, they bought him this outfit shown below and wanted me to find pictures of him in it and wonder where in the world that outfit came from, and then I would find it in his diaper bag...if only ALL the kids had known it was a surprise and hadn't told me about it...
And Jessica thought he stunk so he got a bath before getting his pajamas on.
And you just have to expect a certain number of these photos any time you hand your camera over to Jessica for any length of time.


KaSs MiLeS said...

i loved it when jess would watch Story. i knew she'd get lots of love and attention.
they did a great job documenting. :)

Amy said...

That's funny!

rain said...

Why does no one buy me "surprise outfits?" I don't think ANYONE did that for me when I was a's never too late.

Sarah said...

That's great - I love that they used him as a doll!