Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Post Grad

Everyone keeps saying it must feel great to be done. And I'm not so sure what they're talking about. It's so freaky. And yes, I know it's only been a week, but I'm a catastrophizer. So I watch this movie preview to feel better and to feel normal.
And it doesn't hurt that both me and Kyle have a crush on the Alexis Bledel. Here's the trailer: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1809965690/trailer


Cassie said...

Didn't watch the trailer yet but think it sounds funny. I thought I'd sort of figure life out once I graduated; by the time my master's was over, I still had no idea what exactly to do with myself. And I still don't but it'll come! Is catastrophizer a word? :)

Kelli said...

Catastrophizer is a word and it's my favorite. One of the CBT therapists came up with it. I want to say Ellis but I'm probably wrong.

KaSs MiLeS said...

that movie looks good. i completely understand how you feel. i was so worried about graduating, because i had to put my skills to use and it was terrifying. i got really lucky with provo craft and had been here for almost 4 years!

rain said...

I'll be seeing that movie, for sure.
I don't know what it feels like to actually be "expected" to now go out and put your knowledge to work. In a way, this is one of the reasons I can't make myself go back to school just yet--because I can fool myself into thinking that's a responsibility I don't have to face just yet. But I still have nightmares about being in college and never going to class....and then being expected to ace a test and show potential employers why I'm the girl for them. It's terrifying.

Amy said...

I hate being in the workforce and wish I could go back to school. I remember being frantic when it was time to sign up for classes again and feeling like I should be signing up again. But at the same time, when finals time comes and everyone is going nuts I am happy to be done. Its true what they say that the grass is always greener on the other side....

Kat Clark said...

You'll be fine. I like the made up word you used. I also appreciate that you admit to having girl crushes. I don't know if you watched this season of American Idol but I had the biggest crush on that girl from Utah, Megan Joy. Maybe we are weird but I'm glad I'm not alone. :)

Sarah said...

New blog please Kelli!!!!!