Saturday, November 5, 2011

Zombie Run!!!!

 My friend, Stephanie, is always asking me to do 5ks with her. When I found out about this one I was super excited, because it's an excuse to dress up like a zombie. So I trained and trained and trained. And I could not get past 2 miles. So I opted out and did the 1 mile creep and crawl instead, MUCH less stressful.
(I didn't get the "look like a SEXY zombie" memo for this picture, I thought we were going for gross zombies...)

 So, Jess, Jer, Muff, Rain and I were all ready to go. We got towards the front and took off when the gun went off...but then I don't know where we went wrong. All of the sudden the race is over and I hadn't even been forced by my body to slow it down. We obviously cut some corner and ended up doing a 1/4 (maybe 1/2) mile creep and crawl...lame us. Oh well. We're still doing it next year again.

(If you can't find us, Rain has the purple pants behind the person in the blue cap, I'm behind her in the blue tank top, then there's kind of a space and then Muff is in the gray shirt).


KaSs MiLeS said...

man i would have done it with you if you were going to cheat!

Kendra said...

I definitely think I want to do it next year with you. :)

Erinn and Ryan said...

Is Jer wearing the tie from your wedding? I can't decide if I should show Connor your pictures or not - he's been up all night with zombie nightmares lately. Maybe I will show him.

rain said...

I want to do it next year, too. But, next year I'm going to run the entire thing. I just decided. Cheating is so last October.