Last night we looked at Pianos and then we bought this one this morning and they delivered it promptly. There were two delivery men who stood around a lot perplexed by our staircase. They finally said it couldn't be done, but that was not acceptable. I asked if they could just lift it over the railing and he said maybe if there were like five more guys, so I started knocking on every door in every building around us, even though I've only met two of them. I ended up rounding up four other guys and then Kyle got home. The delivery guys were coming up with this intense plan involving the truck and ramps, etc., but then the three hispanic guys I found just started heaving it up the stairs, quite the initiative. So they got it half way up, had to slide it up the upper railing and then rotate it onto the ground. After much grunting it was in front of our door, and then the delivery guy once again said, it's not going to work. I started to panic a little, but once again the hispanic guys paid no heed and got it in! They were so great. I'm gonna make them cookies. If it wasn't for them I don't think it would have made its way in. This is by far the greatest thing I have ever purchased! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! By the way, I have openings for piano students--so give out my name and number!
God says you are
3 days ago
You gotta love hispanic guys! They just have a get it done attitude and they figure stuff out and work so hard! Congrats on the piano, it looks great! I kinda want one now too, but i'd only play it once every never!
Oops. I just tried to make a post, and then had to delete it because of a massive typo. Basically, I commended you on your ballsy move of just knocking on doors, looking for men. Also, I'm glad you have a new toy...and I'm sure your downstairs neighbors are totally excited, too.
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