Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pre-Cruise Vacay...

 These uploaded backwards, but there's no way I'm fixing it. Here's Felix with his favorite new toy at Erinn's--the train set. I ended up buying him one when we got home. I'm sure it was the bane of Erinn's existence. He and Evan loved all the same things and neither can share.  There was a lot of yelling from Felix and hitting from Evan :)
 The kids told us there was a park "really close". It was so far! And so hot! I just about died walking there. Erinn made Ryan walk back and get the car for all us.

 But Felix was so happy. He's finally big enough to climb around fairly safely, and he learned how to go down a slide safely. He did it over and over until he could barely walk.

This was Elise's idea that I whole heartedly encouraged.

 We went out to eat at a buffet one night when we were there. 
 Sunday night we ate at home and that clearly tuckered Evan out.
 Felix LOVES Erinn's dogs. I really want to adopt Wiley. He's this huge poodle that is so gentle. Felix was terrified the first day, but after that he was so happy. Whenever we came in the door he immediately went to let the dogs out.

We went to an aquarium that Erinn (I think) took her kids into while Feli slept, but before she could do that Evan pulled all the lunch napkins out and let them fly. I took pictures instead of helping.
 We went to a beach on Saturday, and Felix was in heaven. Until he got exhausted. Then he just cried.
  But, see, before that he loved it. he followed all the teenage boys around because they had soccer balls that he wanted.

 And he very nearly gave this man a hug, but at the last moment decided against it.
 This shows his new run perfectly. Arms daintily out and flopping.

 This was part of the aquarium. They give a presentation on all the animals found in these water holes on this rocky beach. But Felix was killing things and couldn't balance well on the rocks, so we headed over to the beach pictured above.
This is Feli during the presentation. Not very entertained. If only it was about cars.


KaSs MiLeS said...

What a pretty girl!!

Amy said...

I am SO jealous you took Felix to the ocean! I have been dreaming for that day to take my kids, one day one day!

He DOES make a cute girl!

Kory said...

Dress pictures never get old. He does wear it very naturally. When I saw him yesterday he seemed 10 times more grown up than the last time I saw him. It must be from being on his own for so long.