Monday, January 9, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

 Wendy invited us to Christmas Eve again, which was wonderful. Much more fun than us two staring at Felix and eating fast food. Shauna and Matthew came too.

 Felix couldn't wait to open presents and stole this car off the top of his present from the Coplens.
 Dinner was awesome. Almost as awesome as dessert, which was red velvet bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes, which is AMAZING!!!

 Look how hard at work we sisters are. I'm pretty sure I'm not actually doing anything.
 Jamie made this amazing chocolate tree for Wendy.

 I love that this picture captures Felix's absolute delight in Jeremy.

 Wendy was amazing and got us this game that we ruined in the flood that was out of print. She found a pdf and printed, cut out. and laminated the entire thing for us!
 I knew Wendy would love her pajama jeans :)
 Jer got a skateboard. And yup, Felix has already fallen off of it and smacked his head.

 Felix got a garbage truck from the Coplens which he LOVES, and Jess got him a super cute hoodie, which I LOVE.
 Jess got jewelry and nail polish.
 Jen got Lil Wayne stuff. Kyle cackled when he saw her open it. He thought it was a joke. But no, she REALLY REALLY loves him.
 This is Felix's loot on Christmas morning.

 This is as close to a smile as it got, cause his presents were very serious business.

 He stayed quite occupied while we opened the two or three presents we hadn't already opened before Christmas.  Isn't he so surprised? Even though it got sent to his work and he opened it there?
 Andy got this for Felix!
 And this is how the rest of the morning went:
 This is the next day. He wouldn't let go of his new car even to eat (btw, he got EIGHT new cars for Christmas and LOVES them all).
 He didn't even let it go when he was being SO helpful when I was trying to put the tv stand together.


Keri said...

I was just going to email you today and ask you about the pajama jeans.
Is it unhealthy that I get envious watching you all have fun together and wish you were lonely like me? Looks like a great party. Our Christmas eve ended up with Taryn crying in the kitchen.

Kory said...

That kid is pretty great. The love of Lil Wayne is pretty disappointing. Keri, instead of wishing we were lonely, you could join us.

Amy said...

Looks like you guys had a great Christmas!

Keri I was just asking Kory the other day "Do you think Keri gets lonely?" Cause sometimes I want to run away from family and have it just be our family with no other influences, and drama, so the grass is always greener. Just enjoy the fact that we miss you too, and that we are always excited to see you, even when it is for only a half of a night like last time, we always get excited when you come.

Kelli and kyle back to your blog, Felix is darling, I love how serious he was about Christmas, I have a hard time picturing it because he is such a happy smiley kid.

Christy Smith said...

I love your family! You can tell you guys have a blast together. :) I love Felix's concentration on his gifts, too..such a cute kid!