I was super excited about my Halloween Party this year. I studied up on The Price is Right every morning and was super excited to play. I was a little bummed afterwards when I realized that it wasn't a totally group friendly game. But it was a fun party. (And we are Ewoks, not the three bears, and Felix is totally showing how he feels about his costume.)
Kass and Fam.
Jeff and Fam. Jeff looks like a total hard ass, it's awesome.
Brandon, Ashley, and kids. They deserved to come on down, but they didn't :(
This is my cousin Amy, Colby, and my aunt Connie.

Kory, Amy and fam. Amy totally made those costumes.
The Stevenson's clan.
Wendy's family is slowly diminishing in their holiday enthusiasm.
Unlike Shauna's family.
My mom is the best. I'm so happy she dresses up every year :)
Kurt's family's enthusiasm is also diminishing in their enthusiasm, but Krew was super cute.
This is everyone!
Here's some shots of The Price is Right:
Karen was the grand winner! She knew so much about the game she totally deserved to win!
This is after Axel finally figured out that though Dusty was wearing all black, he was not in fact his father...
These two lovers loudly played basketball after the games.
As for our own festivities, we took Felix to a Trunk or Treat in Lehi. I got stuck in Orem because of awful traffic and couldn't make it back home to get our costumes, so I went to Kid to Kid and got Felix a new one. The Trunk or Treat was quite hectic and dark and Felix was a grump. He did much better when I took him to Kass's work to trick or treat. He was the first one there and it was bright and he was able to take his time taking candy from all of Kass's very patient coworkers. That night we just took Felix to Wendy's house and called it good. He had his first time playing in leaves. He wasn't impressed with the pile, but he was really excited when we threw them in the air.

Between Kass's work and Wendy's I had to go to work for supervision. Felix went to the nursery there and hung out for an hour. But before I could get him there he fell in the parking lot and his binki cut his gums open. He was gushing blood. When I brought him in someone just thought it was part of his costume. But it wasn't. And neither was the big glob of blood in my hair. Super sad. But other than that he had so much fun and loves chewing on candy in wrappers and LOVE loves M&Ms. Yesterday morning he brought an empty wrapper to me and kept indicating that he wanted more!