Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kelli Gets Old

Kelli has now been living and what not for 27 years. As of right NOW, in fact. She's like cheese... or wine. Or... um... Pippi Longstockings. You know, something that is awesome, but only gets more awesome as things progress? You know what I'm talking about. I can see you now in my mind's eye vigorously agreeing with me.

The Kelliphant.

So, in commemoration of such a game-changing event as Kelli's birth, I bring to you a teaspoon & pinchful of the reasons I love this gal:

1. She has always been the kind of person to love people intensely. It scared me at first, honestly. But her intensity just shows how much she takes her relationships with people seriously. It's an admirable trait. It moves her to do incredible things for family and friends.

2. Kelli's industrious. That probably sounds a bit silly to YOU, but Brigham Young would frown disapprovingly behind his chinstrap beard and disagree with you. What with our state's motto being, and I quote, "Industry." I'm not joking. That's the entire motto. Regardless, Kelli is always working on something. Her hands are always busy. Usually with knitting or crochet. Building a stuffed something-or-another to give away. She's incredibly dedicated to it. At home watching TV? Yup, she's doing it there. At church? Yes. In the car? Of course. Surely, not at a Utah Jazz game where giants complete feats of strength? Oh, brother, you better believe she is.

3. Although it often makes her stay up late, and vomit in the morning, she's not afraid to change. Whether it's where we live, or a new way of thinking or believing, or the position of the nightstand next to the bed, she'll worry for hours about it, but she'll go ahead and take the leap anyway. Courageous, I say.

4. Kelli once was talking to my sister Erinn's son Connor, and trying to pry compliments from him. She asked him if she was funny, and Connor (seeing the trap) thought for a minute and said, "Well, you're not funny, but you're fun." She quotes that a lot. Kelli makes my life fun. If it weren't for her I would sit home every night and whittle away my life with the curtains drawn, and no pants on. When we first started dating seriously we were driving by Deer Creek, and Kelli just decided that we needed to swim in it. But with all of our regular clothes on. So we did. And it was as uncomfortable as you are probably imagining it to be. I would go out on a limb and say that the major reason I married Kelli is because she is fun. And funny.

5. She's going to be Felix's mom. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around that. Or expressing what exactly it means to me. But it comforts me and warms my heart knowing that he'll have her.

Happy Birthday, Kelli. You're pretty swell.


Sarah said...

That was such a cute post!! Happy Birthday Kelli!!!

Kelli said...

My husband is the best!!!

Keri said...

That just warms my heart over and over. I think she's a pretty incredible human and I agree that she has just gotten better with age. Good job Kyle.

Erinn and Ryan said...

Our family is kind of a . . . closed club, you know? But Kelli is just so caring and friendly and fun, nobody could help but welcome her with open arms. I'm glad you're my sister-in-law!

Christy Smith said...

Happy Birthday Kelli! I hope it was a fabulous day and you were spoiled (which, judging by this post, you probably were)!

rain said...

Happy Birthday!! I think getting better with age, and having someone that agrees you are, in fact, getting better, is the best thing ever. Excellent post.

Ashley said...

Happy Birthday Kelli!
I hope you had a wonderful day!

Kyle you are awesome!

Shauna said...

AAhhhh I love Kyle's writing. If he wrote a book I would read it! And I don't just read anything. I love what he had to say about Kelli - all so true and things not often thought about. Happy Birthday Kelli!