Flesh eating bacteria? Some sort of necrotized spider bite slowly turning my snow white triceps into a gooey meat paste?
Nope. Good guesses, though. That mark was given to me via a sonic-boom racquetball shot from Kory. It's hard to tell, but it was DIRECTLY on my nerve-packed funny bone. At first it felt like my arm was dipped in freezing cold water, and then it felt like nothing at all. It went numb from the elbow down for about a half hour. It was fairly bizarre. I didn't feel my thumb until the next morning. Intense I tell ya. Kory felt bad, but he shouldn't. I kinda deserved it for standing directly in front of him and having an arm in the first place.
I've noticed a trend in this family. Only girls e-Journal. It's the new scrap booking. It's unacceptable. It's outrageous, even. So my outrage at this gender-gap in self-publication, coupled with my desire to further perpetuate certain comparisons has forced me to decide that contributions from me will be atleast occasional.
I am so proud of you kyle! I have been trying to tell Kory that it is ok "e-journal". He is always telling me I should put this on my "e-journal" or that... and I say to him, why don't you? So I am proud of you for being the first male in the family to make this step...
I also want to say that if you stand close the fire you are going to get burned... And if you cant stand the heat get out of the fire...just kidding, you should keep an eye on that make sure it doesn't end up like bob's arm.
sorry about your arm, at least it doesn't look like Jerome's...
What does Jerome's arm look like? Inquiring minds want to know. Also, I'm proud of you for not crumpling right there and screaming about how you could no longer feel any sensation in your damaged arm. I would have. I also would have made sure Kory felt REALLY bad about possibly rendering me handicapped. Well, more handicapped than usual.
I'm actually proud of it. It's a pretty serious mark. I hit it pretty square. Good shot by me.
you haven't updated your blog in a long time. its really boring...take care of it. :0)
I'm tired of looking at this picture, did you give up on blogging?
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